plant flowers in pots

Last 14 January CircLocal’s partners of Leeuwarden (The Netherlands), Coimbra (Portugal), Novo Mesto (Slovenia) and SERN (Belgium) gathered for an online session. They discussed the project outcomes and shared ideas about possible paths of collaboration beyond project’s life span. They all agreed that CircLocal had largely raised awareness on circular economy within their local communities, technical staff and regional governments.

The project analysed the opportunities and challenges of adopting circular practices inside public organisations. It enabled the reflection on how to find solutions to encourage circular procurement in the purchase of goods and services. Partners put in place procedures to the adoption of circularity in public purchases.

CircLocal contributed to build a like-minded community interested in circular practices. It has dissminated good practices among different countries and shared common learnings at regional level.

Embarking on this circular journey was not always an easy task. Pre-existent legal, logistical and cultural barriers still need to be overcome to reap the full benefits. Nevertheless reaching the objectives was rewarding and the partners were unanimous in reporting the learnings the action offered and the will to pursue the long lasting benefits of the action.

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