Public Procurement: Key Driver Towards the Circular Economy

Public Procurement: Key Driver Towards the Circular Economy

As the world population increases and economies progressively rely on linear (rather than circular) production to meet their demand for energy, water and food among others, companies have been under enormous pressure to find resources and accommodate waste and emissions. Although, only a small share of the total is reused or recycled as secondary materials,…

Welcome to CircLocal – A Circular Community

Welcome to CircLocal – A Circular Community

On 25 February three partner municipalities, Leeuwarden (NL), Coimbra (PT) and Novo Mesto (SI), and a network of regions, SERN (BE) were online to launch the project CircLocal: a Circular Community. Ewout Oppers, covered the role of Project Leader, speaking for the leading partner Gemeente Leeuwarden. The project lasting one year focusses on setting up…